Your donation changes lives
Your tax-deductible donation will make a difference.
Together we change lives, one tool at a time.
Please consider one of these giving levels
Helpful Hammer: One-time donation less than $100
Wrench Warrior: $10 monthly or a one-time gift of $100
Foundation Friend: $25 monthly or a one-time gift of $250
Tool Box Professional: $50 monthly or a one-time gift of $500
Empowerment Champion: $100 monthly or a one-time gift of $1,000
Donate $50 or more and receive a thank-you gift of a set of blank note cards and envelopes depicting the four seasons. Designed and photographed by our amazing graphic designer, Shirley Bara

Donate $100 or more and receive a thank-you gift of a Mukwa, Aftrican hardwood picture frame. Each beautiful frame was hand crafted in ASAP's "Tinovaka" carpentry training center in Mutare, Zimbabwe;
"Tinovaka" - In the Shona langage - "We build"